Background. For a drummer with a limited space, an Octopad comes very handy as it is a huge space saver. Moreover, there is an added advantage of you being able to practice with your Headphones and the whole neighbourhood can […]
Do It Yourself E-drums | Garageband
TRIGGER TO MIDI ——–> MIDI TO GARAGE BAND Have you ever desired to create your own music instrument, I always wanted one. I wanted to play drums, and to be able to do that, you need to train on it. […]
ESP8266 – p4 led matrix Web API Covid Counter
Working on this IOT clock and linking it with to read realtime covid patients count in INDIA. A great learning during the Lockdown with leftover circuit and P4 Led Matrix.
Do it Yourself Contactless sanitizer dispenser
During Lockdown, I found an old RO cabinet lying around unused. I contacted the RO mechanic and found out the mechanism used to control the flow of liquid in the machine. The solenoid relay which forms the heart of the […]
My Collection
This once used to be my room, with the setup shown in the pictures. It was a 5.1 Setup based on TDA 7294 with a dual supply of 35-0-35 10 Amps toroidal transformer. With savaged sub woofer from an old […]
Runners up – Techkriti 2010(IIT -K) TIC TAC TOE | Game Design
Problem Statement: A wireless game is to be designed to implement TIC TAC TOE as popular during school just by using basic digital circuits implementing use of GATES as AND,OR,NAND and NOR logic by total use of ANALOG CIRCUITRY. Team […]
Do it Yourself 2.1 Home Audio System
This is another project made after detailed study of acoustics and dynamics of the sub woofer. The system is a 2.1 sound system intended for use with TV, PC, RADIO or any multimedia device .The motivation behind making this device […]
Ultrasonic Sensors
Ultrasonic sensors utilize sound waves to measure distances and detect objects by emitting short bursts of ultrasonic waves, which travel through the air. They generate high-frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of human hearing (typically above 20,000 Hz). […]
Do It Yourself LED CUBE
A Diy 4*4*4 LED Cube , based on an |Arduino UNO|and 64 LEDS.