Marshall inspired Bluetooth speakers

This design is inspired by Marshall speakers and it delivers great music and sound quality.

I had an old bluetooth speaker lying which was made an year back but, I was not liking the front grill/speaker holding piece which exposed the speakers and the design was not very appealing.

I stripped it completely and since I missed the old blog post on how I made them, lets take you through the complete steps involved and how we have made this .

Materials Required The inventory or BOM(Bill of Materials) required to build such a speaker at home is as under

a. Wood/MDF/Ply to make the outer casing or body of the speaker. I chose planks of

Deodar wood already lying in my garage to build a box that would be sufficient to hold

the amplifier PCB and two 4 inch drivers.

b. Amplifier PCB I chose a SANWU make TDA8932 BT PCB available on

and it delivers amazing output from 10 volt to 36 volts DC.

c. Power Supply The most prudent choice would have been a Li ion battery pack

either 12/15 V managed by a BMS(Battery Management System) , but since I intend to

use it indoors, I chose a 12 V DC SMPS (2A) to run the amp.

d. Drivers I bought a pair of JBL A-140 4 inch drivers from Amazon for this build,

based on the reviews and the output power deliverable by them. (22W RMS per


e. Jute Grill I made a frame and bought half a metre golden jute cloth from a sofa

maker for the purpose of making the speaker grill, stapled it in the correct way from \

inside and stuck the same with a pressure stapler.

f. Miscellaneous Basic tools like screw drivers, soldering machine, connector wires,

jumpers, heat shrink sleeves, pliers , angle grinder, golden inlay (for designing grill), wire

cutters, nose pliers and some DC jacks.

PS: I am obsessed with the design and the photos. Sharing some final build pictures. Press the heart if you like it !!

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